Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Postage Stamp Vegetable Garden by Karen Newcomb

When I first started to read "The Postage Stamp Vegetable Garden" by Karen Newcomb, I was wondering if this book was a clone of the "square foot gardening" book.  But after reading just a tiny bit further, I realized that this book is unique and worthwhile.

Some of the subjects the author covers is companion gardening, the use of fences and trellises, planting different types of crops to extend your growing season, composting and a lot more.

This is definitely a book I would recommend for anyone wanting to grow some of their own food.  It is easy to read and understand with a plethora of great information.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Finding Favor with the King by Tommy Tenney

“Finding Favor with the King” by Tommy Tenney is a different look at Esther’s story and how we, by our relationship with God (or lack of) can make all the difference in how He responds to us and how He can use us for His purpose.  Would you rather grant a petition from someone you have a close and personal relationship with or someone that only brings you their problems and needs?  Point made and taken.  God loves us like crazy and wants us to know Him. 

One of the unique ideas presented that the reason we all dream of being princes or princesses (no matter what age we are!) is that it is our destiny in heaven to be just that.  

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Adrenal Reset Diet by Alan Christianson, NMD

"Strategically cycle carbs and proteins to lose weigh, balance hormones, and move from stressed to thriving..."

Wow.  Sign me up!

Not being 30 any more, or even 40 for that matter, I have a challenge achieving and maintaining a slim, healthy weight.  I attribute that to an unhealthy diet until I reached my 40's and a high stress lifestyle until just a very few years ago.

"The Adrenal Reset Diet" by Alan Christianson, NMD addresses many of the issues I am facing.  I literally "devoured" the book with highlighter and notepad in hand and found some really great information that I am excited to give a try.  I appreciated the information about what to eat, how much, and when as well as techniques to improve sleep and detoxify the body.

I must admit, though, I found the recipe section to be a bit minimal and being a DIY kind of gal, it goes against my nature to purchase a protein powder for the recommend breakfast of protein shake.

All in all, I believe there is something to Dr. Christianson's plan and will give it a try.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Christ in the Sabbath by Rich Robinson

Recently, our pastor had challenged us to be more aware of the Sabbath and to make this a day of rest and meaningful reflection of God's grace and provision for our lives.  Reading "Christ in the Sabbath" written by Rich Robinson, a Jewish man who is a follower of Jesus, I hoped might give me a little more information and some ideas what that might really look like in practice. 

Although the final pages do discuss what putting the observation of the Sabbath might look like, I found the history of the Sabbath that the author shared to be very interesting.  Much of the book focuses on that. 

Mr. Robinson also talks about the differences in opinion about which day of the week the Sabbath actually should be observed, and then shared his opinion as well.  Also are the "forbidden" activities, but then the author tempers those forbidden things with the assurance that he (the author) does not want us to be burdened or obliged to follow all or any of them.

My take-away?  Just as Mr. Robinson states on page 208: "The weekly Sabbath was intended to look backward and forward".   It is a time for us to remember God's goodness and provision in our lives during the previous week and to ask for His blessings for the coming week. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Counter Culture by David Platt

A couple of years ago, my small group studied David Platt's book, "Radical".  "Counter Culture" is not unlike "Radical" in that it is a call to action, a call to conviction.  This is not a "feel good" book that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy.  It is meant to make us uncomfortable so we get off our behinds and do something!

In "Counter Culture", Pastor Platt gives information about the application of the gospel to social issues, not information about the gospel and social issues.  Even though each of us cannot fix it all, there is something that each of us can do.  Together we can make a difference... even if it is just one life that is positively impacted. 

This book is not a finger-pointing session at all, unless the finger is pointing in our own direction.  I appreciated Pastor Platt's candor and transparency. 

I highly recommend this book and pray that the action brought about because of it is monumental.

Counter Culture trailer:

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.