As newly divorced Adam Colby is sorting through estate sale items, he finds an unusual treasure in "Forever Friday" by Timothy Lewis.
A photo album containing 60 years worth of weekly postcards, some dating even back to the late 20's, catch his attention. On each postcard is written a romantic poem and signed, "Forever, Gabe". As Adam reads these postcards, his wounded heart wonders if there can ever be such a thing as an enduring, romantic, married-love. This spurs his quest to find out more about the writer and recipient of this weekly ritual.
As the story of Gabe and Huck unfolds, Adam realizes that there are no perfect relationships, but that the secret to true love is the art of "unselfishness". As the story ends, Adam has the opportunity to try at love again.
I found this book to be a reminder that our marriages are what we make them. Yes, it does take two and people are not perfect, but if we all put our own selfish desires on the back-burner and thought about our life's mate first, even just some of the time, what a difference that could make.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by WaterBrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest opinion.
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