Monday, November 18, 2013

Frame 232 by Wil Mara

Any of us who have been around any length of time have wondered who really was behind the
Kennedy assassination.  Did Lee Harvey Oswald truly act alone? 50 years later, there are still so many questions.

Wil Mara's new book titled "Frame 232" dives into that topic in a fictional story about how the film taken that awful day in Dallas by the "Babushka Lady" surfaces, exposing that Oswald was not the only gunman.

Truth-seeker and millionaire, Jason Hammond, is contacted by the Babushka Lady's daughter (Sheila Baker) after finding the carefully stored film in her mother's safe deposit box.  Sheila's mother, Margaret Baker, was too afraid to turn the film over to the authorities while she was still alive, leaving Sheila the burden of deciding what to do with it.

And Margaret had good cause to be afraid.

Although the author truly believes Oswald was the only gunman that day (as he states in the Author's Notes and Afterward), he tells a fascinating story about "What if...?"  The level of corruption and accountability in the assassination plot is beyond scary as almost "everyone" was part of the conspiracy.  And that level of power has access to those who can keep their secrets.

Will we ever find out the complete truth about JFK's assassination?  I personally don't think so.  Do I think Wil Mara's book is worth reading?  Absolutely.

Download Wil Mara's special Q & A here.

Watch the book trailer here:

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis

As newly divorced Adam Colby is sorting through estate sale items, he finds an unusual treasure in "Forever Friday" by Timothy Lewis.

A photo album containing 60 years worth of weekly postcards, some dating even back to the late 20's, catch his attention.  On each postcard is written a romantic poem and signed, "Forever, Gabe".   As Adam reads these postcards, his wounded heart wonders if there can ever be such a thing as an enduring, romantic, married-love.  This spurs his quest to find out more about the writer and recipient of this weekly ritual.

As the story of Gabe and Huck unfolds, Adam realizes that there are no perfect relationships, but that the secret to true love is the art of "unselfishness".  As the story ends, Adam has the opportunity to try at love again.

I found this book to be a reminder that our marriages are what we make them.  Yes, it does take two and people are not perfect, but if we all put our own selfish desires on the back-burner and thought about our life's mate first, even just some of the time, what a difference that could make.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by WaterBrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest opinion.    

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl by Paula Hendricks

Being of the mother of a soon-to-be teenage daughter, books like this are really on my radar.  I want to help my daughter navigate through this time in her life, allowing her to make her own mistakes, yet teaching, encouraging, and guiding her to rely on the Lord and His perfect timing. 

As a teenager, "waiting on God" and trusting Him with my life just wasn't in my thought process.  My desire to be affirmed by boys and to feel special was very consuming.  So I can relate to Paula Hendricks book, "Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl".  Maybe you can, too?

Paula honestly shares her stories of challenging relationships, trying to take control and make things happen. Although many in our current culture would find Paula's advice (really God's advice) of allowing men to pursue and women to be pursued as antiquated, I find it refreshing and can honestly say that my husband was attracted to that choice I made to allow him to do just that during the time prior to our wedding over 20 years ago.

The ending of the book came as a bit of a surprise to me.  It doesn't end like a beautifully wrapped present with a big bow on top... but since when is life really like that?  Paula's story is still unfolding and I know that the Lord will provide her with the right man for her, in His perfect timing.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.