Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner

“Fluent Forever” by Gabriel Wyner teaches an absolutely new concept… to me.  I took Latin in high school (not taught as a conversational language) and tried, but failed miserably at a basic Spanish class taught at my local community college.  So as a home schooling mother, I was feeling pretty inept as a foreign language teacher.  But this book has given me hope in a light-hearted, easy read that is chock-full of information.

Mr. Wyner really makes you feel like you can learn a language on your own without paying for an expensive class and gives a ton of resources to help you do just that.  He encourages you to study a language that you love (for me that would be French versus the Spanish that would make so much more sense where we live) and committing to a small amount of time each day to do that.

So now for pronunciation?  That’s covered, too.  I had never heard of the International Phonetic Alphabet ( what a helpful tool!) and Mr. Wyner has Youtube videos, too.

I have not tried this system yet, but I must admit that I’m really excited to give it a try.  

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sharing Christ with the Dying by Melody Rossi

Have you ever wondered what you might say about Jesus to someone who is dying that doesn't know Him?  I have, and I must admit to being quite intimidated by what to say. 

"Sharing Christ with the Dying" by Melody Rossi is an enlightening book about witnessing to others during their last days on this earth.  Mrs. Rossi gives simple ideas (like witnessing by actions vs. words, asking questions to find out about why they feel the way they do about God, etc.) that may open discussion and lead others to a saving faith.  I appreciated that she reminds us that it isn't "us" that does the work on a person's "heart", but the Holy Spirit.  The author takes any guilt we may feel about the person's response, or lack, because it isn't up to us to save them.

Mostly what I learned from this book is that during this time in a person's life, we are called to be servants.  We are to help when and where we can.  We may be the ones to plant the seed of salvation, water it, or watch it blossom.  But mostly, try to listen and be willing to do what the Spirit leads us to do. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.  Thank you, Bethany House!

Get to Know King David by Nancy I. Sanders

"Get to Know King David" by Nancy I. Sanders is a winner! 

The book is easy to read and great for younger or struggling readers.  Because it is filled with a lot of great pictures, photographs, and maps, it captures your attention and literally, makes you want to read it! 

The chapters are short, only a few pages long, which makes this a good choice for young ones that have either a short attention span or those who are not confident readers.

Included are “vocabulary builders” that also teach in an easy to understand way.  There are also a lot of interesting facts, all which help to give an accurate portrayal of King David and the times during which he lived. 

I enjoyed the simple style of the author.  She has a wonderful gift for teaching that both children and adults will appreciate.

Our son (who doesn't think he likes to read), picked up this book and started to read it on his own!  That alone is noteworthy and he is looking forward to reading more of these books!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my honest opinion.  Thank you, Book Look Bloggers!

The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business by Steve Mariotti

My husband and I own our own business.  We are very committed to teaching our children to "be a maker, not a taker".  So when I had the opportunity to review "The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business" by Steve Mariotti, I was a little more than intrigued.

This book is fabulous.  It covers just about everything one would need to start and successfully manage a business, marketing, money management, and so much more.  It covers terminology that might be unfamiliar to teens and young twenty-somethings, and is loaded with success stories that are believable and motivating.

Our oldest will be in 9th grade next year and I am planning to use this has part of her homeschool curriculum.  When paging through the book, she thought it look interesting and is looking forward to working through it together in school
Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.